Library 2000 Reference Material
Offsite pointers useful for digital library research
Digital Library Architecture
- The Computer
Science Technical Report Project, now completed,
was a major ARPA-sponsored digital library architecture initiative.
- The handle system provides a
kind of uniform resource identifier for documents in a digital
library. The original
paper on handles by Robert Kahn and Robert Wilensky gives more
Arms's slides on how handles fit in to the architecture of the
Digital Library.
A Framework for Identifying, Locating, and Describing Networked
Information Resources. Clifford A. Lynch. March 1993. (Draft for
discussion at an IETF meeting.)
- An introduction to the data model for digital library objects, by
Michael Stonebraker, Nov 1994. PostScript
version. Nroff
version (Copies stashed at Cornell)
Objects, Meta-Objects and Property Records by Judith Grass of CNRI
(Copy stashed at Cornell)
- Jim Davis at Cornell has collected all kinds of stuff about the
CS-TR project in a web area. His
"Architecture, "ontology" and "scenarios" documents appear there
under various categories, mixed in with other things.
- Metadata: The Dublin Core
and Warwick Framework are the systematic approach to this topic.
Meanwhile, bibliographic records for technical reports of the CS-TR
project are standardized in RFC-1807. (There is
also an earlier version, RFC-1357.)
Digital Library Systems
Computer Science Technical Reports Archive Sites
FTP site.
Raw data.
Computer Science Technical Reports Abstracts
Biblio data standard,
FTP site.
Raw data dir.
"...over 10,000 technical reports. Over 2,300 ... have full abstracts."[dec94]
Unified Computer Science TR Index
Project info ,
Raw sitelist data .
Guidelines for TR Archive Maintainers ,
Example Index File from a TR Archive Site ,
Example Bib format TR index file ,
bib.format .
UCSTRI -- Requests for Tech Report Archivers .
Run by Marc VanHeyningen .
A paper and slides.
"...over 6,000 TRs indexed from about 120 different FTP sites."[dec94]
Refuses to export collected data despite multiple requests.
Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies in BibTeX Format
Site and holdings list .
Introduction to the collection of bibliographies .
Bibliography of bibliographies.
"The collection consists of about 560 locally stored
bibliographies, about 320,000 references (mostly to journal articles,
conference papers and technical reports) and 140 MBytes of BibTeX
entries. About 4000 references contain URLs to an online version of
the paper. There are more than 800 links to other sites carrying
bibliographic information."[dec94]
A long list of sites with On-line CS Techreports, courtesy of CMU.
- Harvest
information discovery and access system.
Other Digital-Library-related materials.
Reference Documents
Miscellaneous Information
HTTP and Web related materials.
perl .
Last update: 3/25/1998, by jhs
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